Tunables for the Sun StorEdge SAN Foundation Suite: Optimizing for Performance and Failover

Posted by : Dr. Root | 06 July, 2007 | Published in

Sun has published an article which describes various tunables for Sun StorEdge SAN Foundation Suite -- also known as Leadville -- software. There are several areas of performance -- failover times, SCSI queue depth management, etc --
that can be optimised by judicious and careful use of certain user-tunable kernel-level variables.

This new document on sun.com presents three general matrices describing the various types of tunables and/or default values related to performance, failover times and error recovery and logging:

Type one (1) : variables may be adjusted to fit specific customer configuration requirements.

Type two (2) : variables are adjustable, but in general no adjustment is recommended. These variables need to be tuned only in very rare cases.

Type three (3) : variables are hard-coded and are not adjustable; they are presented herein for completeness only.

If you'd like to better understand the discovery, path failover and general performance tunables and values incorporated in the Leadville driver stack, simply download the PDF.

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