Top 10 NetBeans API - Screencast for Newbies

Posted by : Dr. Root | 30 September, 2009 | Published in

If you're a complete newbie to NetBeans with absolutely no prior knowledge of the NetBeans platform, check out the screencasts series on to quickly learn about the Top 10 NetBeans APIs, why you would use them and how to get started doing so.

Big thanks to Geertjan Wielenga for creating this series!

Watch them at:

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Why is fedora-ds on linux machine taking 100% of cpu utilization when I am running any search query on ldap server?

Posted by : Dr. Root | 29 September, 2009 | Published in

Many thanks, Shankar for your question. The answer is:

Un-indexed Searches on Directory Server cause performance degradation unfortunately.

Whenever you see the ‘notes=U’ message on a ‘RESULT’ line in an LDAP query, it means one or more of your search filters are on un-indexed attributes.

To solve this problem, find the ‘SRCH’ line that corresponds to the ‘RESULT’ line (by matching the ‘conn=’ and ‘op=’ numbers on each), and find the attributes mentioned as part of the search ‘filter’ (the part after the ‘filter=’ on the SRCH line).

If any of these attributes are not indexed in the Directory Server, create an index for them.

Searches will be much faster then, and will not take up 100% of CPU.


[25/Sep/2009:14:21:21 -0400] conn=672 op=14 SORT uid (1)
[25/Sep/2009:14:21:22 -0400] conn=672 op=14 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=1
[25/Sep/2009:14:21:24 -0400] conn=647 op=50 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=7 notes=U
[25/Sep/2009:14:21:24 -0400] conn=650 op=37 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=7 notes=U
[25/Sep/2009:14:21:25 -0400] conn=647 op=51 SRCH base="dc=answerthink,dc=com" scope=2 filter="(&(objectClass=portalInetOrgPerson)(&(" attrs="portalCreatedDate objectClass mobile c dn givenName address2 employer portalUID homePhone gender ou employeeNumber telephoneNumber businessCategory street uid postalCode mail l preferredLanguage sn cn facsimileTelephoneNumber domain middleName timeZone uniqueId dob st"

Good luck!

Dr. Root

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"Ask Dr Root" -- runner-up for Sun's SysAdmin of The Year!

Posted by : Dr. Root | 16 September, 2009 | Published in

I recently received great news from the team at announcing that Dr Root was one of the nine runners-up for Sun's SysAdmin of The Year.

Wow! Thank you very much everyone for voting for Dr Root. I'm glad you're finding this blog helpful. Keep your Sun/Solaris questions coming! :-)

I'd like to congratulate Dan Wright, this year's SysAdmin of The Year, the other runners-up for the title, as well as everybody who entered the competition.

Developing 3-D Games with the NetBeans IDE and jME 2.0

Posted by : Dr. Root | 15 September, 2009 | Published in

If you're interested in the development of Java 3D games, check out for an interesting tutorial on how to set up the NetBeans IDE to start creating Java 3D games with the jMonkeyEngine framework (jME 2.0).

Everything has to be coded by hand with jME. There's no drag n' drop, but if you watch the enclosed video, you'll see you can do some pretty cool stuff with it. Definitely worth a look!

Check out the video:

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